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CI GAMES SE (35 /2024) Registration of series J shares in the NDS

By 3 October 2024October 4th, 2024No Comments

Current report number: 35 /2024

Date: 3 October 2024

Legal basis: Current and Periodic Information

Subject: Registration of series J shares in the NDS

The Management Board of Cl Games SE with its registered office in Warsaw (the “Company“) informs that it has become aware of the issuance on October 3, 2024, by the Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A. of statement No. 968/2024, to enter into an agreement with the Company for the registration in the securities depository up to 10. 061,865 series J ordinary bearer shares of the Company, with a nominal value of PLN 0.01 each (“Shares”), issued under a conditional share capital increase pursuant to Resolution No. 20/1/2021 of the Company’s Annual General Meeting of June 22, 2021.

Registration of the Shares will take place on the basis of the settlement orders referred to in § 6 of the Detailed Rules of Operation of the KDPW, in connection with the deregistration of series C subscription warrants marked with the ISIN code PLCTINT00109, from which the right to take up Shares was exercised.

The Shares will be registered under ISIN code: PLCTINT00117. The Company intends to assimilate them with the other listed shares registered under ISIN code: PLCTINT00018.

Disclaimer: This English language translation may contain certain discrepancies. In case of any differences between the Polish and the English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.

CI Games SE Management Board:

Marek Tymiński – President of the Management Board