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Current 2024

CI GAMES SE (24/2024) Decision of the Management Board of CI Games SE on further suspension of the execution of the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting

By 29 May 2024October 21st, 2024No Comments

Current report number: 24/2024

Date: 29 May 2024

Legal basis: Art. 17 section 1 of MAR – inside information

Subject: Decision of the Management Board of CI Games SE on further suspension of the execution of the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting

The Management Board of CI Games SE with its registered office in Warsaw (the “Company”), in connection with the current report 18/2024 dated 26 April 2024, hereby informs that, acting on the basis of authorization resulting from §3 section 5 of Resolution No. 3/1/2024 of the  Extraordinary General Meeting of CI Games SE of March 21, 2024 on increasing the Company’s share capital by way of issuing ordinary series M bearer shares, depriving existing shareholders of the entire pre-emptive right to all series M shares, dematerialization of series M shares and rights to series M shares, applying for admission and introduction of series M shares and/or rights to series M shares to trading on a regulated market conducted by the Warsaw Stock Exchange, authorization to conclude an agreement for registration of series M shares and/or rights to  series M shares in a securities depository, and amendment of the Company’s Articles of Association, the adoption of which was reported by the Company in current report No. 8/2024 dated March 21, 2024 (hereinafter the “Issuance Resolution”), on May 29, 2024, passed a resolution to extend the suspension of the execution of the Issuance Resolution, without indicating the end date of the suspension period.

The Management Board of the Company shall make a decision on the implementation of the process of offering new series M shares in accordance with the Issuance Resolution. Once such a decision is made, the Company will announce it in an appropriate current report.

Disclaimer: This English language translation may contain certain discrepancies. In case of any differences between the Polish and the English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.

CI Games SE Management Board:
Marek Tymiński – President of the Management Board