CI Games hereby informs that the Invitation for Tenders published on July 28th 2016 under this address has been cancelled. No tenders have been selected.
CI Games hereby informs that the Invitation for Tenders published on July 28th 2016 under this address has been cancelled. No tenders have been selected.
Notification about an invitation for tenders Most important information Subject of the order: Research on gamers (‘Lords of the Fallen’ PC) Closing date for submission of tenders: August 5th 2016…
We are pleased to announce that award-winning composer Mikolai Stroinski has joined our development team. Born in Kenya and raised in Poland, Stroinski lives and writes music in Los Angeles….
CI Games will be presenting and providing hands-on demos of Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 in a private meeting room today through Thursday at the 2015 E3 Convention in Los Angeles….
CI Games has announced that it will launch Lords of the Fallen: Complete Edition, an updated release of its intensely thrilling action RPG packaged with all of the game’s DLC,…