Current report number: 37/2024
Date: 28 October 2024
Legal basis: Current and periodic information
Subject: Issuance of series J ordinary bearer shares under conditional share capital increase and change of share capital
The Management Board of Cl Games SE with its registered office in Warsaw (the “Company“), with reference to current report No. 35/2024 dated October 3, 2024, informs that on October 28, 2024, in connection with the registration in the securities accounts of eligible persons of a total of 3,518,560 series J ordinary bearer shares with a nominal value of PLN 0.01 each (ISIN: PLCTINT00117), subscribed for in exchange for series C subscription warrants, there was an assignment of these shares within the meaning of Article 451 §2 of the Commercial Companies Code (“CCC”). Accordingly, pursuant to Article 452 §1 of the CCC, the Company’s share capital was increased by an amount equal to the nominal value of the shares taken up, i.e. by PLN 35,185.60. The Company’s share capital was increased from PLN 1,829,430.15 to PLN 1,864,615.75 and is divided into:
a) 100 000 000 series A ordinary bearer shares, with a nominal value of PLN 0.01 per share;
b) 400 000 series B ordinary bearer shares, with a nominal value of PLN 0.01 each share;
c) 25 000 000 series C ordinary bearer shares, with a nominal value of PLN 0.01 each share;
d) 1 100 000 series D ordinary bearer shares, with a nominal value of PLN 0.01 each share;
e) 12 649 990 series E ordinary bearer shares, with a nominal value of PLN 0.01 each share;
f) 960 000 series F ordinary bearer shares with a nominal value of PLN 0.01 each share;
g) 11 000 000 series G ordinary bearer shares with a nominal value of PLN 0.01 each share;
h) 10 833 025 series H ordinary bearer shares, with a nominal value of PLN 0.01 each share;
i) 21 000 000 series I ordinary bearer shares, with a nominal value of PLN 0.01 each share;
j) 3 518 560 series J ordinary bearer shares, with a nominal value of PLN 0.01 each share.
The total number of votes resulting from all shares issued by the Company is 186 461 575.
The amount of the conditional increase of the Company’s share capital after the issuance of shares is PLN 322,021.66.
In accordance with Article 452 § 4 of the Companies Act, the Company’s Board of Directors will submit a list of subscribed and allotted series J shares with the registry court in order to update the Company’s share capital entry, within the period prescribed by applicable law.
The basis for the issuance of series J ordinary bearer shares of the Company is Resolution No. 20/1/2021 of the Company’s Ordinary General Meeting of June 22, 2021 on the issuance of series C subscription warrants with the right to acquire series J shares to the exclusion of all pre-emptive rights of existing shareholders, a conditional increase in the Company’s share capital to the exclusion of pre-emptive rights of existing shareholders, amending the Company’s Articles of Association, and consenting to the registration of series C subscription warrants and series J shares with the National Depository for Securities and applying for admission and introduction of series J shares to trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange. A.
Disclaimer: This English language translation may contain certain discrepancies. In case of any differences between the Polish and the English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.
CI Games SE Management Board:
Marek Tymiński – President of the Management Board